Monday, May 10, 2010

Single motherhood

I occasionally get a taste of what it's like to be a single parent when my husband goes on work travel. I don't know how people do it indefinitely. The work I can handle, I am, after all, taking care of my son all day by myself every day. It's the knowing that I don't get a break, ever. Most days my husband pretty much takes over a little bit before dinner, giving me enough time to cook dinner, and then he feeds our son (well, I'm the one who still jumps up for anything that's needed, but at least I'm not the one sitting directly in front of the high chair) and puts him to bed doing the whole routine: bath, story, the works. This is usually my time to clean the kitchen and then blog and read e-mail. Even thought the bulk of my time is spent cooking and cleaning up, I still cherish that time in the evening where I don't have to be 100% aware of what my son is doing (just about 20% aware). If I have a bad day with Ivan the Terrible, I have some one to share it with and know that maybe I'll get a bit more of a break that day, or the next. I usually get to stay in bed one morning over the weekend. All of this adds up to enough little breaks that I can handle the days of exploding diapers, fussy eating and no naps. So, if you're not already knocked up: make sure that before you do that you have a support network in place! And if you're a single parent, well, G-d bless you, for I don't know how you do it!


  1. Yea, Shadi and I will most def have to have a plan set up. That is why we are waiting until we know where we will be in the next 9 months to have a baby. It might not happen for another 2 years, or it might happen right away. I'd hate to have to travel extensively with my young child on top of the stress of traveling with Shadi and moving.

    When will Matt be back? I hope that someone will drop in during the week for a quick break for you!

  2. Traveling isn't so bad with #1, it's the being home with him alone for days on end that gets old. My relief returns on Friday, I cannot wait!
