Friday, May 21, 2010

Can't bend over anymore

One of the most difficult things about this pregnancy is having a toddler. Things that I avoided last time I cannot this time around. Like bending over. I'm trying to limit it as much as possible, but really, I can't squat for everything (plus squatting always requires a readjustment of pants afterward). The worst is that my angelic (hahahaha!) twenty-month-old fully realizes that Mommy is impaired, and is taking full advantage of that. I cannot always chase him around his room every time I need to change his diaper, so unfortunately, that results in me sitting down and waiting for him to come over to me when he's good and ready. Not the type of discipline I really wanted. Sigh. Even simple things like putting groceries away result in lasting pain. At least for laundry I've learned to prop up the laundry basket while I'm putting things into the washer for less bending.

Another issue is that my babygirl is sitting really, really low. Most people think it's an old wives tale that boys are high and girls are low, but both of my babies have been obviously one or the other (with my son, older women used to come up to me at the store or wherever and tell me I was having a boy, regardless of whether I actually wanted to know this, which I didn't). It means that I have to move differently than I did with #1. I can't explain it, exactly, it's just very different. And a lot more pressure on my cervix. Which will happen anyway. But, at least for me, it has held true that every pregnancy is different.


  1. Every pregnancy is different. My mom said that she was so lucky with both me and my sister. No morning sickness, no real pain, and we were great babies. I slept through the night the first night I was brought home. Shadi's mom said he was a good baby, so I'm hoping that we don't have any hydrocephalus problems (like what Shadi had) and we can have natural births and healthy, happy babies.

    Have you heard of eating chocolate and bananas makes for happy babies? Just curious if that is true. I would think maybe dark chocolate would be okay because milk chocolate has caffeine.

    Also, what do you think of water births?

  2. Oh oh! I'm really worried about being in the last 2 months of pregnancy because 1. that is when you gain the most weight, and 2. I have a really short torso. You know I'm petite to begin with, but my boobs take up most of my torso, so I'm a bit worried about bending and all that other good stuff.

    I love reading your blog. It's like the highlight of my evenings. Shadi said he's going to start a "daddy" blog when I'm pregnant because we don't get to hear much from daddies as the mommy is changing so much. You should have Matt guest blog sometimes.

    P.S. If you watch the video review of "The Crazies", you'll see your blanket. :)

  3. I was planning on a water birth the first time, the tub was all ready for me when I got to the birth center but all I wanted to do was lay down, everything just happened so fast! We have a huge jacuzzi tub in our bathroom, so that's the goal for #2, also easier to clean up :)

    I don't eat too much chocolate and my toddler has cornered the market on bananas, so I don't know if that's true or not. I do think that the stuff I ate the most of while pregnant the first time is what #1 likes the most now: hummus, cheese & spicy food.

    I'm so glad that you like my blog!! ('cause I couldn't tell with all the comments) It's really nice to know it's being read. I mean, I know other people read it, but having so many comments makes it more worthwhile to write; it's not just for me.

    The boob growth is hard to predict. First time mine didn't really until the end, this time, well, you've read the posts. And I'm in another growth spurt right now. I never thought I'd miss my tiny breasts.

    Shadi should totally blog when you guys start having kids. Matt doesn't even read the blog, although I might have him do some posts right after the birth regardless. My goal is to live blog the birth, but we'll see if that happens.

    I'll have to check out the review, I'm not a fan of horror movies as much since my first pregnancy, they hit too close to home (and I get nightmares: what happens when the zombies come and I have to run while carrying a toddler & a newborn???), but I was interested in the Crazies since it's a zombie movie and those are my fave.

  4. The lead woman is pregnant, FYI. She doesn't die or get sick, neither does the baby. Just letting you know. You can just play the video on mute until you get to the blanket part. :)
