Wednesday, May 5, 2010

As if I needed more evidence . . .

TV is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad for babies, toddlers and children (heck, it's not all that great for adults, either)! There is no reason for them to be watching it. My son stays occupied just fine with his toys and books, I don't buy the "but I just need half an hour to get something done" excuse. Children do learn how to entertain themselves, plopping them in front of the tv only delays or prevents that skill from being learned. I feel as though I am the only holdout, other mommy friends that I have all say "well, I always said that I wasn't going to let my child watch tv, but it's just so necessary . . ." NO IT'S NOT!!! I get into this argument on a regular basis with my husband (and semi-regular with my mother). I know that once my babies are over at other people's homes on a regular basis visiting friends I will have less control, but I have complete control now and will not relent. Hmm, I feel a little bit better now.

Oh, and if you're not bothered by your child's brain rotting from watching the boob tube, at least have them watch non-commercial channels or videos, the commercials are just as harmful as the programming (can we say sugar cereal, McDonald's and every unimaginative toy that is out there???).


  1. We've already decided that our kids aren't watching TV. I know my family will support it too because they wont get to have the kids at their house if they can't live by our rules. I want going to the movies to be a treat for our kids (not until they are way older because I HATE little kids in movie theaters), and I want them to have the freedom to nurture their imaginations. I'm thinking maybe we wont even have a TV in the house, but then that would suck for us when we want to watch movies or watch the news. I'm also obsessed with Discovery Science. :P

  2. Get a flat screen and have Matt paint something to fit over it. He's started (like, two years ago) a double-canvas painting of the Bay of Naples to go over ours. The paintings can stay up while the kids are around and come down once you're ready to watch a movie. Also cuts down on the "I'm bored, what'll I do, guess I'll turn on the TV" reflex.

  3. Oooo that's a great idea! We actually have a flat screen tv that we got before we left Korea (It was like a year or so before so it wasn't like we made a huge purchase and were expecting not to use it).
