Sunday, May 2, 2010


As a parent, you're constantly bombarded with potential hazards that your children can face, but none are more upsetting than product recalls. We trust the companies that we buy from (or at least should be able to) and it's horribly upsetting to find out that your baby's crib, favorite toy, or painkiller that is the only thing soothing teething is suddenly dangerous. You also can become anxious worrying about everything you buy (just don't go down this road, it's not worth the ulcers). The best way to keep track is just follow the news. BabyCenter does a pretty good job of sending out alerts for products. I usually will get an e-mailed update within a day of a product recall. Friends are the ones I usually end up hearing about the latest Tylenol recall (yes, two this year alone!). Since big recalls are big news, if at least one of the parents keeps track of current events, you should be okay. Although, just in general, try to avoid toys that have questionable manufacturing (what, made in China? just say NO!). The more simply a toy is made (wooden stacking toys, for example) the better for your child's development and the less likely that it will harm your child. (Ignore the grandparents outcry, this is your child and YOU control what they play with/sleep in/eat!!)

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