Friday, April 9, 2010

Big Ultrasound

And, it's a GIRL!!! And our due date is officially 8/19/10. They changed it after the last ultrasound, but my midwives didn't accept the change. It shouldn't make a difference as long as BabyGirl is around on time. Anyway, it was fun spending an hour looking at the baby and seeing her, although the only thing I really cared about was the gender (since prior ultrasound showed everything as it should be). As much as I love my boy, I'm a girly girl (heck, look at my avatar) and would very much like a daughter to share it with. A daughter who agrees that pink is the best color ever and understands why my purse matches my stand mixer. But don't worry, she should also be able to kick a** if provoked. I may be the picture of femininity, but don't mess with me, either. This also brings up a whole host of other issues dealing with societal treatment of women that I will now have to navagate to raise a confident, secure lady. Sigh, nobody said it would be easy.


  1. I'm so excited for your family! PINK! I'll get some awesome pink yarn. I promise. Also, what color for Tommy? Green? I was thinking if it was green, #2 and #3 could wear it as well. How about a lime green? Or perhaps a bright blue?

  2. I'm curious if you can expand on why your midwives didn't accept the change. What do they base that on? Curious as to the differences in approaches.

  3. AJ--I'm not entirely sure. They felt like the first estimate was more accurate than the second from the ultrasounds, but I think some of it is they're also not as obsessed with ESTIMATED due dates as OBs are. Babies come when they're ready, and as long as it's not too early or late, it's best to let Baby do what Baby wants. (ie avoiding inductions whenever possible)
