Friday, April 2, 2010

Eating Fish

Our usual diet consists of a protein (chicken, turkey or fish) with some type of grain: rice, tortilla, pasta. So Passover becomes a bit of a challenge since I can't really do a stir-fry or pasta dish. I end up eating a ton of fish (salmon, gefilte fish, canned tuna, gefilte fish, etc.). After realizing that I'm eating fish up to twice a day, I thought maybe I should remind myself of the forbidden ones due to mercury. Gefilte fish doesn't seem to be on there (what, it's not a separate species? okay, the ingredients are on the low list). I am eating too much canned tuna (I gave up the real stuff, particularly because I prefer it still flopping on the plate) due to insane cravings for anything with mayonnaise (which I don't usually like); mainly tuna fish sandwiches, although I'm looking forward to the post-egg-hunt devilled eggs on Sunday a little too much.

The list above is a good reminder to branch out, a lot. The bigger problem is that my husband likes salmon, and that's pretty much it. I'll eat anything from the sea (except sea urchins, they're pretty gross both cooked and raw), so I need to get a little more creative, which is exactly what any pregnant woman wants to hear: more work! Point is: the more variety in your diet, the better both for getting maximum nutrients and for keeping the bad stuff low. Oh, and make sure to compare the mercury list with the safe fish list (so stay away from things like farmed or Atlantic salmon!). So here's a freebie for you:

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