Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sensitive noses

While not as bad as last time around (when grocery shopping made me nauseated), my sense of smell is still much keener than normal, which leads to some problems. I'm fortunate enough that strong smells aren't causing nausea, but it's still not fun. Which leads to today's gripe: husbands who just don't get it. Last time, every time we went out for (turkey) burgers and fries, I wouldn't let my husband order garlic fries because the smell was just too overpowering. He'd grumble every time, but he'd comply. So I'm trying to be nicer this time, which has just resulted in misery for me. We went out last night. He ordered garlic fries. This morning I still couldn't kiss him. Which made him mad, but sorry, that's the price you pay for twenty minutes of garlic-eating. To be fair, I also can totally smell the garlic on my son's breath when he's been eating garlic, too, but at nineteen months, his breath isn't that bad and I can only smell it when we're nose to nose, instead of across the room, or all night long in bed. Ugh. Ironically, perfumes I kind of like being able to smell more, it helps to hide all of the people in a movie theater who have BO or similarly stinky breath.


  1. My sense of smell and taste are like super sensitive. Smelling something can cause me to get bad headaches and nauseous. I just hope it doesn't get worse once I get pregnant.

    When Shadi drinks soju, I can't be around him for the next two days. He just smells so bad. It's soooooo gross.

    P.S. Sorry about posting #1's name in the last post. Feel free to delete the comment. It wont hurt my feelings.

    Also, your husband should know that actions have consequences. haha Poor guy. No kisses because of barf city.

  2. Don't worry about it, I think names have popped up a few times. I'd highly recommend being in a country with few smells then, for your pregnancy(ies)! Or only pleasant ones, like the countryside of Provence (lavender!). Although the French can be light on the deodorant.
