Monday, April 19, 2010

Eat small meals, frequently (or why I didn't post last night)

There are some random things that become more difficult with a second pregnancy that you'd never think of. Last time, I worked in an office and had no problem snacking throughout the day to keep my blood sugar level and avoid eating too much in one sitting. This time, since I'm home with my son, this is proving to be difficult. I can't really snack in front of him, and make it a point to only eat what he can (my husband is bad about this and it causes tons of fussing at dinner time). So by dinner time, I tend to be really hungry. Last night I made a delicious mushroom risotto, and hadn't really eaten much of a lunch, so I was starved and had a plate of one of my favorite foods in front of me. Big mistake. My full sensors weren't working in real time, so by the time I realized that I had had enough, I had had way too much. I spent the next four hours on the couch, in discomfort until I finally got so tired I just had to go to bed, uncomfortable or not. (wow, I sound like such a glutton!!) At least my son had a good night's sleep and so did I. Usually, however, I just don't end up eating enough because I purposely try to avoid the above scenario at dinner time, and just end up being hungry an hour or two later. At least I'm better about snacking after dinner, once my toddler is in bed. Although not always great about what I'm snacking on (my sweet tooth has come back again. I really like it when it goes away!) Anyway, so here's another do as I say, not as I do post. Learn from my mistakes!!!

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