Thursday, April 22, 2010

More on school lunches

Silly me, who doesn't watch television, I forgot that everyone else seems to be tuned into the school lunch issue. Here's an article about Jaime Oliver's show from yesterday's Washington Post's food section (newspapers, I obviously read, if not always right away). I adore Oliver, and not just because he cooks and is cute. He has done a ton of work in Britain to try and fix school lunches there, as well as other charitable causes (like teaching at-risk youths [and I believe recent inmates] for food-industry jobs, etc.). I'm always one to jump late on a celebrity bandwagon. I need them to prove to me that they're worthwhile first (heck, I didn't like Madonna until I read that she didn't let her children watch television). I think Oliver is worthwhile, and it helps that I believe in his causes: cooking for health & family. So if he can get you to care, that's another reason I'll like him.

BTW, PBS showed Food, Inc. last night and now has it on their website. So if you haven't seen it yet, now's your chance to do so for free!

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