Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That's Madame President

Does that make me one of those cracks in the glass ceiling? This post is purely for bragging rights. And an example of being able to do SOMETHING other than just procreate. We live in a newer community which has some issues. Tonight was our first (long overdue) community meeting to create a board and actually get some stuff done. Out of thirteen homes, two of us showed up (my husband was at home putting #1 to bed, so he had a good excuse). I promptly volunteered to be president. In our last home, my husband was on the condo board, and while it was a lot of thankless work for him, it also kept us really connected to the community, which is even more important once children are involved.

It's really easy to withdraw from society and become homebodies once you have children. Let's face it, they're a pain to do anything with when they're younger and then become the center of all activities once they're older. But as momma bears, we also have to go out in the world and make sure that our communities, neighborhoods, schools, are places that are good for our children to be raised in. Without children, the occasional (quiet) pothouse bothers me, but I'm not going to put up a fuss. With a child walking past it every day on the way to and from school, you'd better believe that I'm going to be calling the cops every day until it's gone. Children make us have to care about the environment more, if just so we can let them out of our sight on occasion without spending the whole time worrying. When I was a child, I'd run around the neighborhood and I want my children to be able to do the same. When you have an infant, it's all you can do to keep your family sane. But once your child(ren) is(are) older, it's imperative to get out in the world and make a difference for their future.

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