Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Maternity clothes

I hear that there are good ones out there, but most of the options are horrible. I also hear that things are better now then they used to be (anyone watch Rosemary's Baby recently?), but that's not saying much. The biggest issue is expense: they're not usually cheap and you're not going to get a ton of wear out of them. Unless you're someone who usually buys new clothes each season (in which case, can I be your new best friend?). Most maternity clothes, regardless of style, or lack thereof, are cheaply made and overly priced. The most egregious example of this is Motherhood Maternity. Plus they have despicable return policies (unworn, within ten days for store credit only, full-purchase-price merchandise only) and they want a ton of personal information just to process a sale. When I refused to give them my address and phone number the cashier got really nasty with me and informed me that I would never be able to make any returns; since I was buying things on clearance, I couldn't return them anyway. After two trips into the store, I vowed never, ever to return. And they were one of the more moderately priced stores. I'll admit that I haven't gone into a Pea in the Pod after feeling some fabric (yuck), but I have heard decent things about them even if they're on the expensive side. I ended up buying most of my stuff from Target last time. The price points were good, the fabric wasn't 100% manmade and some of it was cute. But Target, I felt, was also very hit or miss.

The one place that I would recommend for beyond the basics is Gap Maternity. I lucked out and when I was pregnant in the Spring of 2008 I LOVED the styles they had that season: lots of super girly, flowery, flouncy, pink, flowy stuff. I know, totally not for everyone, but I hit my jackpot. The best part was that the maternity clothes were just like the normal stuff, but with elastic waistbands. Unfortunately, it was in the pricier category, but worth every penny. I can't wait to wear them again. Also unfortunate is that it's hard to find a Gap Maternity. I'd recommend NOT shopping on line as it's often really hard to tell how maternity clothes will fit without trying them on, but go ahead if there are good return policies and you don't have a lot of options.

It is possible to be a fashionable hot mamma, but it's hard, particularly when shopping is probably the last thing you feel like doing. But remember, this too shall pass (and just ignore the friends who can get away with wearing larger sizes instead of maternity).


  1. Amen :)
    I'm so thankful that I was able to borrow almost an entire maternity wardrobe from my friends, but if there's a next time around I really hope the options in the store improve in case I'm not so lucky.
    I bought a few cheap cotton knit dresses from Old Navy that I loved. I wore one almost every weekend because it was so comfortable. (Another rant - finding work-appropriate maternity wear is even more depressing than just finding something casual that's also cute and not overpriced for the quality.)

  2. Carina--thanks for posting! I have you bookmarked and will check out the site when I can.

    Sarah--Ironically, all I have are work-appropriate maternity wear, which I don't particularly need anymore. Fortunately, working for the tech company meant it's mainly casual. Unfortunately, they're from the year without a summer, so I'll still need to buy more stuff in this year without a winter. Why can't we just have normal seasons???
