Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Aren't you getting a little thin"

Ah, the weight loss has begun. Today I ate my customary eggs for breakfast, with a couple of turkey sausages. One granola bar. A churro at Costco (nasty, but less nasty than the minimal samples I tried) that my mother insisted on buying after the above comment. Two pieces of rye toast and butter, and orange and a half and about half a small bowl of potato leek soup. I might try some yogurt later. But, other than about ten minutes of discomfort after the first orange, no upset tummy. I've decided nausea (which won't go away anyhow) is the less of the many GI evils and am keeping my food consumption to a minimum. I had a healthy baby the first time, so even if I do this for a couple of weeks, I shouldn't actually be doing any harm. And I had some more extra this time around, too. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!!! And I'm sure my midwives would be horrified, or at least a little worried. On the other hand, they are fairly supportive of listening to your body and mine is saying "NO FOOD, More sleep!" because it's not like I'm getting any more energy by not eating. Sigh. I'll go back to my regularly scheduled rants on the food industry and medical profession when I'm feeling better.

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