Monday, February 15, 2010

Socializing while Pregnant

Going out with your friends during your first trimester can be anywhere from slightly uncomfortable to downright miserable if you're holding back telling people until the second trimester. At the very least, you have to discretely hide that you're not drinking, if you normally do. I remember starting from when my husband and I got engaged, if I were out with friends and didn't order a drink, I'd get asked if I were pregnant (wow, that really makes my friends and me all sound like alcoholics!). Depending on where you normally eat, that might have to change as well, no more sushi nights! Heartburn, nausea and or vomiting might cause you to eschew all socializing that includes food. I remember one night out with a friend where we had dinner and then went to the ballet. For dinner I ordered an innocuous-sounding vegetable tart, which turned out to be half peppers. I spent most of the ballet miserable and the whole intermission in the bathroom. Our favorite place for happy hour was a Pan-Asian restaurant with super cheap drinks. Everything was raw (sushi), spicy or alcoholic. I felt bad for not socializing, but it was better than trying to explain why I was only eating edamame.

Once everyone knows that you're pregnant and (hopefully) the morning sickness has subsided, things do get much easier. The second trimester is generally the easiest: tummy behaves, energy levels are higher and it finally hits home that, Oh My Goodness, There's a Life Inside of Me! Now you just have to worry about finding appropriate clothing. Which will be tomorrow's post.

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