Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Fun, fun, fun. Your pregnant body comes up with all sorts of hormones to keep you on your toes. My latest development is that I've noticed my joints are looser. Relaxin is the hormone released by your body to help it stretch: your cervix, your pelvis, your hips. Too bad it can't just target those areas. As you go later in your pregnancy, heavy exercise is usually discouraged, and this is why. You don't want to be running heavily (unless you already do regularly), or any other jarring activity (tennis, for example) when your joints are a bit wobbly. The last two mornings I've woken up feeling like a rag doll, as though my limbs are a bit looser. Then I remembered.

Today I also broke out my belly support. It's almost like a weight-lifting belt, but to support your stomach instead of your back. I carry ALL in my belly, so this was essential last time. My husband has been asking me about it for a few weeks now, but it's annoying to put on, so I was resisting. I figure it's time now. Overall, my body is still doing better at this point than it was with #1. Who says girls are more difficult??

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