Monday, June 28, 2010

A clear sign to switch from an ob's practice

This is a blog post about an ob practice in Ohio that has banned doulas and individual birth plans. The scariest part about it is not that the practice is requiring patients to sign off on their rules, but that many other practices feel the same way, but are not as upfront about it. I didn't get far enough along in my last pregnancy to discuss a birth plan with the ob practice I started with, but due to everything that lead to my leaving them, I have a feeling that they might have been just as unbending, just not as open about it.

While I would highly recommend any woman with a healthy pregnancy to seek out midwifery care instead of a doctor, I also understand that even for the most ardent natural birth supporters this isn't always possible (at the very least, insurance issues can make this a no-go right from the start). If you must be with an ob, I would then suggest speaking from very early on plans for a natural birth. There are some telling signs if the ob is less than supportive of this. Things such as their c-section rate, epidural rate, and how long they're willing to let you go past your due date (ACOG recommends induction at 43 weeks, not the 41 currently practiced the majority of the time). And remember, it is never too late to switch to a health care provider that you feel more comfortable with!

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