Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More on C-sections


Yet another study has come out sounding the alarm of the ridiculously high rate of C-sections in this country. Unfortunately, the article barely talks about ways to prevent this (such as not having an induction), although it mentions some of the contributing factors (fear of malpractice suits being the big one).

A really important way to help prevent an unnecessary C-section is to check out the rates of your ob and hospital (if that's the route you're going, the best way, of course, if you are low-risk, is to have a midwife). If either or both of them have higher rates (30%+) then you need to discuss this, in depth, with your ob. Which, if you have a good practice, you should be doing anyway. Other ways are to try and avoid an induction and having a natural childbirth. Every time there is an intervention, it can lead to more. And stay at home as long as possible, the less time that you're in the hospital, the less time there is for interventions! (just don't wait until you feel the urge to push :) )


  1. I thought of you this morning when I read this. Can you believe 30%? How crazy is that?

  2. The report is even scarier--women 40 yrs and older have a close to 50% C-section rate!! It's only eight pages of mainly bar graphs so it only takes a couple of minutes to peruse.
