Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another reminder to take care of YOU

My husband and I haven't gone out on a date since Valentine's Day, mainly due to my back being wack for a month. So we finally did have a date night tonight. We really needed it. Pregnancy is tough, but a new baby is even tougher. It is so important (I cannot stress this enough) to get some couple time and "me" time. This past week I've been making a concerted effort to take a little more pampering time for myself in the morning. (needless to say, the full makeup routine has gone by the wayside in the last couple of months) One morning I gave myself a pedicure (ie: cut my tonails). Another I did a face mask. And so on. I used to spend every Sunday evening doing full manicure, facial, hair, etc.; that hasn't happened since my first pregnancy. My husband is always reminding me to do things incrementally, that stuff will get done if I break it up to fit in the time I have rather than waiting until I have large chunks of time together. And he's mainly right. So I don't get to spend an hour or more pampering myself, at least I can make sure that my legs are shaved more than once a month. Oh, and tonight I did have a little more time, which coinsided with a big Sephora give-away, hurray for multi-tasking!


  1. Good for you! Just because you are Mommy and Mommy-to-be, you are still Mrs.T and you don't have to lose that!
