Sunday, January 31, 2010

Slight Scare This Morning

It's amazing how after one miscarriage (as frequent as they actually are) the littlest thing can make your heart stop for a minute. This morning I got up with my son at six thirty. When I actually got up (ie started functioning) at eight, I went to the bathroom and there were a few spots of blood in my underwear. This was NOTHING like when I miscarried. This was small and light brown, which is old blood. Around 8:30 I finally called my midwife just for some reassurance. She confirmed that this wasn't anything to worry about, and asked if I had recently had sex. Um, yeah, for the first time since finding out I was pregnant, as a matter of fact. And a bit passionately. So that was probably it. She told me that a little bit of brown or pinkish blood wasn't unusual after sex. So I'll be nervous still for a day or two, but then I'll calm down and be back to concentrating on my nausea and exhaustion.


  1. Hm...I had a polyp (not sure now to spell that) that would bleed...could be that too. Same thing, brown blood. Hang in there.

  2. I know this is a month late, but thanks for chiming in. I'm pretty sure it was just the sex as no spotting since then (and less aerobic activities). And you did spell polyp right :)
