Saturday, January 23, 2010

Exploding Tummy!

Well, Tuesday it was my boobs, and now it's my belly. I am officially in full maternity regalia at nine and half weeks. It's true, the second time around your body does remember and can't wait to look pregnant again. Unfortunately, I am totally feeling all of that growth. If I do too much, my abdomen starts to get kind of crampy. Great when I'm trying to clean house, run errands or do anything else in daily life that needs to be done, including running after my toddler. After running around with a guest today, I am beat. So, short post tonight :)


  1. Does it mean that you can use the "I'm pregnant" excuse things more often? Glad you're enjoying this!

  2. Until I deliver, then it will be "But I just pushed a human out of me!!"
